Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just wanted to take a few minutes to elaborate on the last ultrasound. Aside from being a girl the ultrasound tech said she was a little bigger than average (big surprise there), she has long fingers and is very active.

She let us see the 4-D ultrasound (which I wish I could post but the scanner isn't cooperating right now) and it is so cool. The tech said that a lot of women want to see the 4-D and then get upset because the baby looks weird at this stage, so they usually wait until around 30 weeks when the baby looks a little more like a baby. We though she looked cute anyway. She was sucking her thumb and we could see her getting irritated that the umbilical cord was touching her face.

We've decided on a name- Alexandra Hall Mayfield. Hall was my Godmother's maiden name and I was very close to her. Hall is also my middle name- although I have 2. Alexandra has no real significance other than we liked it and though it was pretty. We will probably wind up calling her Alex.

We are both doing well-Ransom and Randy are out back putting up a fence and I'm making a small effort to clean the house. Hopefully Ransom will be able to reason with the scanner and we'll be able to post the 4-D ultrasound pictures.