Saturday, July 18, 2009

25 weeks

Six months already! Things are moving so fast. I can finally feel the baby kicking-which is very exciting. This week Ransom and I have been painting the baby's room, picking out a stroller, registering and trying to decide on a crib. It's almost like buying a car. Who knew buying a crib was so complicated? We painted the room an apple green which will look really cute with the bedding we chose (which is called Alexis Garden-you can google it).

Baby's development from Baby Center:

The baby now weighs nearly 1.5 pounds/ 660 grams and is approximately 13.5 inches/ 35 centimeters long from crown to heel. He makes breathing movements but has no air in his lungs yet. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn his head, which according to researchers, means his optic nerve is working.