Monday, November 23, 2009

Alex and I got to go home Friday Oct 9th! Ransom came up to Birmingham that Thursday and we spent the night at the hospital. She was sent home with a heart and respiratory monitor and on Aminophylline. She has been doing great at home! She's eating like a little pig and was 8 pounds and 6 ounces on her last visit to the Doctor's office last Thursday. The week before that she was supposedly 8 pounds and 8 ounces but the doctor thinks that weight wasn't accurate. We are still not allowed to go anywhere :( but sometimes we go to the park since there aren't many people there. I guess we'll see everyone in the spring when flu season is over. We are planning on spending the holidays at home with my parents who are coming down to visit for Thanksgiving.

My friend Rick came to visit and took this picture. Isn't is great?