Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I hope everyone had as nice a Christmas as we did! My parents came to visit for a few days and Aunt Marissa came over and visited for a while. Santa came to see Alexandra. She is doing so well! She weighed 11 pounds and 3 ounces at her 4 month check up last week. The doctor says she is doing beautifully.

Even though she's 4 months, developmentally she's really only 8 weeks. She's starting to do all the cute things that 2 month olds do. She's smiling at us and cooing. She thinks Ransom is the greatest thing she's ever seen. She's definitly a daddy's girl. I'm sure she'll start laughing any day now.

She's starting to stay awake for longer periods and is sleeping through the night-which is good because she likes to stay up until around 2 AM. Every night starting at about 10 pm it's fussy time. The doctor thinks she may be a little colicky. He says she'll grow out of it in a few months. In the mean time she's our little night owl. Ransom says "she didn't get that from me".

After the first of the year we're planning on taking a trip to Meridian Mississippi to see Alexandra's Great-Grandmother Mayfield and her Great-Aunt Kay. We're very excited to see them both and can't wait for them to finally meet Alex. It will be Alex's first trip since she came home from the hospital.

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