Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday September 14, 2009

I know my updates are woefully behind...I'm usually pretty good about quick updates on facebook

Alexandra was moved to the 7th floor CCN a few days ago. That's where babies that just need to eat and grow get sent. She'll stay there until she goes home.

She weighs 3 pounds 2.2 ounces! We tried her first bottle this weekend when Daddy was here just to see if she was even remotely interested. She did surprisingly well considering it's not really time for her to do that yet. She should be bottle feeding pretty well in a few weeks when she has the whole suck swallow breathe thing down.

I don't know how long we'll be up here but I imagine at least another month. She has to be able to maintain her body temperature in an open crib, be bottle or breast feeding successfully,and remembering to breathe so her heart rate doesn't drop (it's a weird thing preemies do until their brains get more mature). So she still has quite a way to go.

She's making her doctors proud and doing better every day.

I'm sorry there aren't any photos on this. My computer will not let me upload pictures to this blog or send any through e mail but it will let me upload them to Facebook; so that's where the pictures are.

Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. It really means a lot to both me and Ransom.

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