Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yesterday was very eventful. Because Alex hadn't had any heart rate drops in 24 hours the doctor decided to discontinue the medicine she's been on. He also decided to start weaning her from the toaster oven to an open air crib, and he increased her bottle feeds.

So when I came in this morning she was in a big girl crib! I just hope she's able to maintain her temp without burning too many calories, because it is possible if she loses weight she could go back in the isolette.

Today the doctor said that if she doesn't have anymore heart rate drops she could go home as soon as next week. Because they took her off the medicine I would be very surprised if she didn't have any drops (or bradys they call them-short for bradycardia). She has to be off the Aminophylline for 7 days and can't have any bradys for 5 days before they will let her go home. So far she's doing well. She was 3 pounds and 13 ounces when they weighed her tonight.

Ransom and I are going to the discharge class Saturday and we're going to give her her first bath!

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